Sydney the central business district is brought to a halt for almost 18 hours while
a deranged gunman who claims he is connected with Islamic extremism holds
hostages in a café. The siege ends in a hail of bullets leaving two innocent
people dead.
Peshawar, northern Pakistan, seven Taliban gunmen target a school and massacre 132
children and nine staff in an act so abominable it almost defies description.
in the United States, Sony Pictures decides to scrap release of The Interview after hackers, almost
certainly acting on behalf of the North Korean regime, threaten death and
destruction on a 9/11 scale if theatres
show the movie, a comedy in which North Korean President Kim Jong-un is
first sight it seems ludicrous to put the third incident against the other two
where so much blood was spilled, but I believe its long-term consequences for
the West could be even more significant.
the first two cases, the perpetrators paid for their crimes with their lives –
little comfort to the victims and their loved ones, but at least they will
never kill anyone again.
with Sony the terrorist hackers (because that’s what they are) achieved their
objectives without any danger to themselves. In fact they have probably learnt
from their actions and are even more capable of striking again.
group, which calls itself the Guardians of Peace, had already shown its
abilities by hacking into Sony’s computer system and stealing a wad of emails,
staff salary details and social security numbers which it published on the
internet, as well as proof copies of five yet to be released movies.
threat to movie cinemas seems less realistic, but it nevertheless had most
chain owners running for cover. Before Sony’s decision to withdraw The Interview there had already been a
string of cancellations of the scheduled Christmas Day opening in the US.
what many terrorism experts fear is the extent to which the hackers could bring
down crucial systems such as electricity grids, water and sewerage utilities
and Government computer operations.
they, for instance, hack into a major dam’s network and flood towns and cities?
At this point probably not. Government and utility computer defences are likely
to be far more secure than that of Sony, which is already being criticised for
not taking better care of its secrets.
leaders also seek to play down the fears. US President Barak Obama says there
is no credibility to the hackers’ 9/11 threat – and he is almost certainly
right. However, the extent to which terrorists can disrupt the normal running
of society simply by threatening to do something, cannot be discounted.
ago, during the Northern Ireland troubles, a prominent British politician
suggested to me that if just 10 per cent of a community’s population refused to
be governed, the entire community would become ungovernable – in the digital
age there is potential for chaos to be spread without a single person being
physically present.
are heading for very interesting times.